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Win – Animal Testing Cosmetics Ban in Washington

Home » News » Win – Animal Testing Cosmetics Ban in Washington

Last Updated on 03/09/2024

A major win for cruelty-free supporters, especially those living in Washington. A bill banning cosmetics tested on animals has been passed and is pending to be signed into law.

The House Bill 1097 was introduced in December 2022. It passed House in January and Senate in February 2024.

Overview of the Bill

​Washington lawmakers have passed the H.B 1097 that makes selling of animal tested cosmetics a legal offense with fines up to 5 grand per violation.

Manufacturers or suppliers are banned from selling cosmetics that are developed using animal tested measures. Once signed into law, it is effective fromJanuary 1, 2025.

It is a great win for the laboratory animals. Animal testing, research and experimentation is a form of animal cruelty and violation of animal rights. Cosmetics testing on non-human animals is cruel, unnecessary and doesn’t yield effective result. A welcomed change.

It is important to note that similar legislation exists in other U.S states, such as California, New York, Oregon among others.

The article will be updated as the bill is signed into law. Follow Cruelty-Free Guide for latest cruelty-free and vegan news.

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