Kindness Matters

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Last Updated on 06/04/2024

Watch – No matter how big or small, Kindness Matters.

In the video – Man sprays water on strays who enjoy it much. Source -pompycarimperio (Tiktok)

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    Our Mission: 

    • To spread awareness regarding cruelty-free, vegan, sustainable, aka ethical standards of living.
    • Animals have feelings and can feel pain, hurt, sadness, kindness, happiness, and other emotions. Non-human animals are sentient beings.
    • Promote kindness and compassion towards all animals. Highlight speciesism.
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    Aisha K. Ashi

    Ashi K. is a beauty blogger and certified makeup artist. She loves to rescue cats and currently has 2 rescue babies. Join her on the journey as she uses this beauty blog to spread awareness regarding ethical ways of living.