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Is Urban Decay Cruelty-Free & Vegan?

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Last Updated on 06/02/2023

Urban Decay is cruelty-free in 2023. It doesn’t test finished products and ingredients on animals by itself, via supplier or third-party. Urban Decay also doesn’t sell wherever testing is required by law.


Testing by Brand?No
Supplier/Third-Party Testing?No
Ingredient Testing?No
Finished Product Testing?No
Sells in China?No

Today, let’s explore Urban Decay’s ethical standards. Is Urban Decay cruelty-free or vegan in 2023?

Is Urban Decay Cruelty-Free & Vegan?

Urban Decay Cruelty-Free

Urban Decay Animal Testing

Here is what its policy says.

Urban Decay is a cruelty-free brand and is committed to ending animal testing. We do not test our products on animals, nor do we allow others to test on our behalf. Additionally, we require our suppliers to certify that the raw materials used in the manufacture of our products are not tested on animals. Our Brand is certified by PETA as cruelty-free.

Urban Decay does not perform animal testing on its own. At the same time, it does not hire laboratories to test  on animals.

It is quite strict on ingredient-level animal testing as well. Its suppliers have to sign a cruelty-free declaration.

Cruelty-Free Timeline

2009 – Urban Decay was extremely popular among cruelty-free beauty enthusiasts. This brand started a revolution in the beauty industry by selling 100% synthetic fiber brushes.

These brushes were made of Taclon, ditching animal hair. Urban Decay even won the Best Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Line award by PETA in 2009.

2012 – In 2012, Urban decay suddenly decided to expand its business in China. PETA demoted it from its cruelty-free list.

Even avid fans started to protest. Urban Decay gave in after one month of tumult. It declared to stay cruelty-free. It is keeping its promise well.

Does Urban Decay test on Animals?

Urban Decay products are not tested on animals and 100% cruelty-free in 2023. It does not test any of the ingredients or finished products on animals. The brand doesn’t fund testing agencies or laboratories as well.

It decided to sell its products in China in 2012 but backed out shortly after, due to public protest.

Does Urban Decay sell in China?

Urban Decay does not sell its products in mainland China. In 2012, Urban Decay decided to enter the Chinese market. It even dropped its cruelty-free policy for that. Fortunately, it shelved its China dream a month later due to vigorous protests by the fans of the brand.

Currently, Urban Decay doesn’t market its products in China and other countries where cruelty testing is mandatory.

Does Urban Decay manufacture in China?

Urban Decay manufactures its products around the globe but not in China.

Is Urban Decay Vegan?

Urban Decay is not entirely vegan but offers many vegan products. These products are labeled as vegan.

Urban Decay certifies that our products marked vegan do not contain any animal-derived ingredients. Please note that within a product category, such as Eyeshadows, some shades will be marked as vegan, and others will not.

Check out the Urban Decay vegan products list here.

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