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Is Neutrogena Cruelty-Free or Vegan in 2025?

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Last Updated on 12/04/2024

Neutrogena is not cruelty-free in 2023. It does test its finished products and/or ingredients whenever required by law. It allows supplier and third-party testing. Neutrogena also sells in China.


Is the Brand Cruelty-Free?No
Vegan?Not Vegan
Does it sell in China?Yes
Ingredient Testing?Possible
Finished Product Testing?Wherever required by law
Third-Party Testing?Yes
Supplier Testing?Probably
Testing by the Brand itself?Possible
Was it ever Cruelty-Free?Never

Neutrogena goes by the tagline, ‘No.1 Dermatologist Recommended Brand’. This is what is advertised and consumers know of. There’s not much talk about the testing policy of Neutrogena. Is Neutrogena cruelty-free or vegan in 2023?

Is Neutrogena Cruelty-Free & Vegan?

Today let’s discuss this mass-favorite drugstore brand’s current cruelty status.

Neutrogena Animal Testing

According to its official statement for the current year 2023,

“Unfortunately, some countries still require animal testing data to approve new cosmetic products for sale, which is why we will continue to advocate for alternative cosmetic testing methods.”

The brand tries to promote itself as ‘cruelty-free’ which is far from the truth. Not only it tries to paint a false picture, but the brand also mentions alternative testing methods.

While answering a consumer query on animal testing, Neutrogena revealed:

“ … we do not conduct testing of our cosmetic or personal care products on animals and we do not ask others to test on our behalf, except when testing is required by law or specific government regulation.

See the discrepancy. Clearly shows the gap between preaching and actual practice!

Cruelty-Free Timeline

From the initial days, Neutrogena’s aim was to provide dermatologically tested products to users. The company hasn’t been particular about animal testing or animal rights issues.

Neutrogena now works under the umbrella of a giant pharmaceutical conglomerate (a non-cruelty-free cosmetic and drug company).

PS – Do note that for a drug company, testing is a vital part. Check out this guide on Animal Testing in Cosmetics to learn more about it.

Does Neutrogena test on Animals?

Yep, Neutrogena does test on animals. It is still not cruelty-free in 2023.

It tries to present itself in a positive light and acts as a supporter of cruelty-free practices. However, its products still undergo animal testing both actively & passively.

Neutrogena says it does not test its products itself or engages third parties to test its products. But it does admit certain exceptions in which testing is done. As a result, Neutrogena can’t be tagged cruelty-free.

Is Neutrogena certified by any organization?

As Neutrogena is not cruelty-free, so it is not approved by PETA or Leaping Bunny organization.

Does Neutrogena sell in China?

Yes. Neutrogena products are sold in China. You can find them in almost every province of China. Its products are easily available online and offline at various departmental stores.

Is Neutrogena Vegan?

Neutrogena is not vegan. A product is vegan if it does not have any animal-derived ingredients and involves no testing. So it is definitely not a vegan brand.

Do I recommend Neutrogena?

No! My vote goes against Neutrogena. Being neither cruelty-free nor 100% vegan, it still misleads its loyal customers with its hazy cruelty-free status. As we all know, China has certain policies. I don’t recommend it.